Generally speaking, it’s best to plant daffodils in the autumn so that they can settle in during the winter and be ready to bloom in the spring, but if you aren’t able to do that, you may still be able to enjoy daffodils come springtime.
In this article, we discuss the concept of planting daffodils late in the winter or early in the spring.
Daffodil Planting Time Q&A
1. Why Do People Usually Plant Daffodil Bulbs In The Fall?
In fall, the soil is still warmish, soft, and easy to work on, so planting in fall is easier, and it gives the daffodil bulbs a chance to become established and gain energy for spring blooming.
2. Should You Plant Daffodil Bulbs Early In The Fall?
It’s better to wait until late fall. If you plant them too early, they may start to grow and bloom.
However, this uses up energy and may keep them from being able to make it through the winter and bloom in the spring.
3. Can You Plant Daffodil Bulbs In The Wintertime?
If you can still dig a hole or trench, you can plant your daffodil bulbs, even past the first snow or frost.
In some areas, you may be able to plant daffodil bulbs any time in the winter, even up to January.
Be sure to do the following:
- Dig deep enough into the earth to protect your bulbs against freezing.
- Add a layer of mulch for extra insulation and protection against squirrels digging them up.
If the ground freezes right away after planting bulbs in winter, this will also deter squirrel predation.
4. Will Bulbs Planted In The Wintertime Bloom In The Spring?
Yes, but it will be a bit late. They probably won’t develop roots during the winter months, but they’ll begin to set down roots when the weather starts to warm.
Once they are settled in, they will bloom, but their flowers may be a bit on the small side.
5. Can You Plant Daffodil Bulbs In The Springtime If There Is Still Snow On The Ground?
If you can dig a hole deep enough after brushing away the snow, you can plant a daffodil in it and expect it to do well.
Be sure the hole is three times as deep as the bulb’s height, and add a layer of mulch to help with insulation. [source]
6. What If You Have Daffodil Bulbs In Fall, But You Can’t Plant Them Until Mid Or Late Spring?
If you purchase daffodil bulbs on clearance in the late fall or early winter, or if you are moving house and bringing bulbs with you at an inopportune time, store those bulbs in your refrigerator.
Do these steps:
- Pack them loosely in a plastic bag with some loose, dry material, such as wood shavings, shredded newspapers, etc.
- When they begin to sprout, you can plant them in pots indoors if the ground is still frozen.
- Plant them outdoors if you can work the soil.