The goal of every designer is, of course, to exceed their client’s expectations. But when a project attracts editorial attention, the result is exceptionally rewarding. These AD100 designers have all graced the pages of Architectural Digest—some, many times over—but you always remember your first. Here, we’ve asked designers to recall the first time their work was featured in AD. Although some knew at the time they were taking on a special project, others were surprised at the feature. But when asked if in hindsight they would have changed any aspect of this AD debut project, each of these accomplished creatives offered a simple response: “No!”
Jamie Drake
My first appearance in AD was in November 2003. The feature was on the restoration, renovation, and redecoration of Gracie Mansion, the official residence of New York City’s mayors, completed for Mayor Michael Bloomberg. To say I was thrilled would be an enormous understatement. To be in the pages of AD was a dream of every designer, as it remains to be today.
Mayor Bloomberg’s commitment to history, and preservation, was fervent and empowered me to create a house to live in and use in a modern fashion, while respecting the traditions and stories of the People’s House. An amusing sidebar is that Mike is the only mayor to not actually live in the house since Fiorello LaGuardia first occupied Gracie Mansion in 1942. He never spent a night there, although he hosted the greatest number of visitors and events of any administration [at the house]. But, fear not: He was happily ensconced in his own home that I also designed, 16 blocks away.
Frank de Biasi
My very first time in AD was in 2016 when I got the cover for George Lindemann Jr.’s house in Miami Beach. It was such a shock, but I had an idea what we were doing there was a game changer. George is a fearless design client with a definite opinion but very much open to my ideas, and we were the perfect team.
That cover shot was of the main staircase, consisting of maybe 30 different marble species on the floor, walls, and ceiling in concentric circles and was the last part of our challenging puzzle to lead from ground floor up to first floor. We couldn’t decide on what was best, and George had the brilliant idea to commission Martin Creed through Gavin Brown Enterprise for the task.
To be put on Amy [Astley]’s very first AD100 cover [as editor in chief] was beyond exciting!
Frank de Biasi’s first project to be published in AD: a Miami Beach home.
François Dischinger