Hello, r/architecture, and Happy New Year!
I am currently studying for a Master’s degree in Architecture. I’ve always loved reading, and architecture books have given me a lot of joy in the last few years. Unfortunately, I don’t know many people that like to read about this topic. I thought it would be nice to build a small community where we could read together and have positive, constructive discussions about them.
To do that, I have created a new Bookclub at GoodReads called “Space & Architecture“. The plan would be to decide on a book every month and the first day of the following month have an online meeting where we can talk about it. Throughout the month, I will be writing short weekly posts talking about a section of the text to spark interesting conversations.
This first month of 2021, we will be reading “Lessons for students in Architecture” by Herman Hertzberger, a beautifully written text about Public space, thresholds, and the importance of form. The readings for the following months will be decided through a vote (You can already do that for February following this link!: https://www.goodreads.com/poll/show/211553-choose-the-reading-for-february-2021) and if you have ideas in mind of what could be interesting to read you can add them to the poll.
If you are interested follow the link (https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1135535-space-architecture) or join us by searching “Space & Architecture” in the GoodReads search bar!
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