The Unite Challenge is helping people interested in taking their business to the next level with success thinking strategies.
Live Insurance News, also known as LIN, has secured a special invitation for their readers this week to a unique life changing e-course style program taught by self-made millionaire, Jason Fladlien. Insurance agents, small business owners and success oriented people from all over the world are invited to join the Unite Challenge with Jason Fladlien in their pursuit of business success that steps beyond just money and wealth.
When asked, the niche publication turned to their goal and vision of uplifting today’s entrepreneur…
Our publication is dedicated to finding articles and services that inform, educate and entertain – we found this and more with the Unite Challenge. We our proud to announce, that our partnership has allowed us to offer this special programing for free to our readers.” Angela Linders, Co-Editor at LIN.
Looking not only to money and wealth as major components of success, he shares life altering insights.
Though The Unite Challenge is geared towards any type of industry, insurance agents and brokers have found it particularly appealing. The program covers the following: Day 1 – Connection with Self. Day 2 Connection with Others. Day 3 – Connection to a Higher Power. Day 4 – The Wealth Polygon. Day 5 – Financial Power. Day 6 – Value and Vitality. Day 7 – Time Connection. Plus, there’s a bonus podcast session.
You’ll discover all the details here: https://clk11.net/ad5cbcef
Random Success Quotes to Remember ~ “People have got to learn: if they don’t have cookies in the cookie jar, they can’t eat cookies.” ~ Suze Orman
The key speaker, Jason Fladlien, founder of Rapid Crush, who identifies as a “Rapper, Monk, Marketer”. That said, he is known by others as the $100 million webinar man, having set records with his pitch webinars in the information, coaching, affiliate, and software arenas. Following his own successes rising to the top of a number of industries – including software, information products, consulting, coaching, speaking and e-commerce – he is frequently called by 7-, 8-, and 9-figure businesses to assist them in their marketing.
This program with Jason Fladlien provides a meaningful success strategy foundation.
Upon registration, the first thing Fladlien acknowledges about this webinar is different than the others he hosts. Usually, he will zoom in on a single strategy or topic. In that way, he provides a single path or tool for gaining traction. However, in this new and unique free webinar, he is speaking to professionals from the insurance industry as well as many others in providing a complete overview of all 7 major components of the Unite Challenge.
In this way, it means that this will provide everyone who participates with a solid and very usable foundation. However, this subject line is lofty and extremely important that it could not be covered in just a few hours, as Fladlien estimates that it would require 7 days to achieve that goal – so he has made a promise, you give him 7 days and he will give you this program for free.
Instead, The Unite Challenge offers insurance agents, brokers, and other business professionals the knowledge necessary for making immediate changes to become more prosperous and to lay out a path to further that abundance goal over the days, weeks, and months ahead – There is no time better than the present to dust off your success path, take the challenge today!
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