If you are new to hand embroidery, one of the most common stitches you will find is the french knot. It is an easy stitch, but can be a bit tricky when just starting out. Once you have mastered it though, you will be including french knots in all of your projects.
This is a short video tutorial from Dream a Little Bigger, and it demonstrates the technique from start to finish.
Along with the video, the designer shows off her french knots rainbow heart project, and what a stunning project it is! It is a freeform heart pattern that anyone can do.
When learning hand embroidery, it is important to learn the fundamentals, and french knots are one of those. They are an integral design element in so many different patterns.
This easy-to-follow video tutorial makes learning this stitch easy.
Click here for the tutorial: How to Make French Knots
[photo from Dream a Little Bigger]