Sometimes less is more, and that is the case with this absolutely lovely and simple hand embroidery design from Design Sponge. Natalie, the designer, took some plain cloth napkins and transformed them with this heart pattern. You can make them too.
This chain of hearts stitch is simple to make, and the tutorial provides detailed step-by-step photos to show you how to do it. From choosing the embroidery floss to finishing the chain, you can turn your cloth napkins into something special with this design.
Of course, the stitch is not just for linen napkins. One could easily do these hearts on a tablecloth or even as an adornment on some clothing.
I find that little design touches, like this chain of hearts, can make such a difference in home décor. It is almost like a sense of pride when homemade items like this are used. You can add that special touch too with this easy tutorial.
Click here to find the pattern: Chain of Heart Napkins
[photo from Design Sponge]