Turn a corner into a beautiful perennial display with the colorful plants Spring Hill has selected for this versatile Corner Garden. While the diagram shows a garden designed to fit into an 8′ x 12′ area, the 14 plants can be arranged in a number of different ways in any area of approximately 96 sq. ft.
Whether you use our corner plan or some other arrangement, your garden is sure to benefit from the professionally coordinated combination of Forever Pink Hydrangea, which makes sunny or shady spots come alive; dainty-leaved and fragrant-flowered Dwarf Lilac; always-popular Pink Mist Scabiosa; long-blooming Butterfly Blue Scabiosa and award-winning Stella de Oro Daylilies.
All the plants in the Corner Garden do well in sun or partial shade and will provide week after week of beauty all through summer and into fall. Every easy-to-plant, easy-care perennial is a prime quality specimen guaranteed to grow with vigor and produce increased beauty with the passing years.
Garden contains 14 plants.
A) Lilac, Dwarf
B) Hydrangea, Forever Pink
C) Daylily, Stella de Oro
D) Scabiosa, Pink Mist
E) Scabiosa, Butterfly Blue

This collection includes:
A Lilac, Dwarf(1), Extend your Lilac season! A unique form of the old-time favorite has all the features to traditional Lilacs, plus it stays in bounds without pruning.
B Forever Pink Hydrangea (1), Giant 6-8″ pastel pink flower heads hold their color well. Hardy shrub grows just 3′ tall with a 4-6′ spread.
C Stella de Oro Daylily (6), 2 1/2″ buttercup yellow blooms. Winner of the Stout Medal, the most prestigious award given to a Daylily.
D Pink Mist Scabiosa (3), a Lovely new cultivar bred in Ireland blooms continuously from spring to late fall; the soft pink color is deeper in cool weather.
E Scabiosa, Butterfly Blue (3), Lavender-blue flowers with pincushion-like centers bloom in spring, continue all summer into fall.