Want to see what our Designer in a Binder® customers are doing in their own homes using the system we’ve created?! It’s pretty amazing!
This post will be updated every single week with a new Designer in a Binder® customers transformation–the most recent transformation is always first. But if you’ve come here looking for a different one, just scroll down. It is here somewhere!
Customer Transformation of the Week
May 7, 2021– This playroom transformation by Bayne is one of my favorites! Talk about taking a room that was just being used for storage and transforming it into a beautiful and functional space.

We are so proud of and happy for every single one of our Designer in a Binder® customers who is using the simple system to create rooms that they love! You can click HERE to check out more customer transformations and reviews of Designer in a Binder®.
If you are wondering how I come up with designs for the spaces in our home, the answer is Designer in a Binder®. It is the simple system I have used for years and years to design spaces in my own home. A couple of years ago, I finally put it all down on paper so that others can use it as well! In it I walk you through all the important stuff like choosing items that are the correct scale, space planning, mixing patterns, choosing colors and more! I give easy-to-understand guidance on all of this in Designer in a Binder®! You can order your binder now. We have over 7,900 happy customers so far! Click HERE to learn more.