Peperomia Raindrop is a hardy perennial native to the tropical regions of South America, particularly Columbia, Peru, and Ecuador. The shiny, succulent leaves are broad and raindrop-shaped and hang loosely from the slightly woody stem.
The Raindrop Peperomia is a member of the Piperaceae, or Pepper plant family. Their common name comes from the leaf shape and how they hang from the plant.
Common Names Include:
Peperomia Raindrop Care
Size & Growth
Peperomia Raindrop is small, hardy semi-succulent indoor plant averaging between 8″ – 12″ inches tall. The leaves are raindrop or heart-shaped, which helps them draw water towards the stem to store during dryer seasons.
Peperomia plants grow best in USDA hardiness zones 10-12. They are recommended as indoor plants where the lighting and water can be controlled.
Check out other Peperomia Varieties
Flowering & Fragrance
Like other similar succulents, the Peperomia Raindrop has tiny flowers that have a short bloom. The flowers resemble pale green tails that grow in clusters from the tips of the stem. The flowers also have a pleasantly sweet fragrance while they are in bloom.
Light Source & Temperature
This plant grows best indoors on a windowsill with bright light (no direct sunlight) or in a room with filtered indirect light throughout the day. Keep the Raindrop Peperomia in an East or Southwest facing window to receive the gentler morning and afternoon light.
The Raindrop plant also prefers cool, humid conditions with temperatures ranging from 65°-80° degrees Fahrenheit. While it can tolerate warmer temperatures in the summer, it shouldn’t be allowed to get too hot, as it could dry and wilt the leaves.
Watering & Feeding
It would be best if you regularly watered your Peperomia Raindrop during the summer, allowing the top two inches of soil to dry between watering. Be cautious not to overwater this plant, as it can cause the roots and stems to rot if it is sitting in soil that is too wet.
Feeding should be done once a month during the summer with a liquid fertilizer. As the temperature drops during winter and fall, you do not need to fertilize your Raindrop plant, and you can reduce how frequently you water it.
More on Peperomia Plant Care
Potting Soil & Transplanting
While the Peperomia Raindrop is a hardy succulent, it has a delicate root system, so transplanting should only be done when the plant outgrows its current pot. Typically you will only need to transplant it from the temporary growing pot to a permanent one when you initially bring it home.
Peperomia Raindrop plants also like to be in tight quarters, so it’s crucial not to transplant it in a pot too big. When selecting a new pot, go for one that will snug in with no more than an inch of space between the roots and the pot walls.
The soil mix you use when transplanting should have adequate drainage. A houseplant potting mix such as an African Violet or a potting mix for succulents is ideal. If you prefer to make your own soil mix, a half and half combination of peat moss and perlite also works well.
Grooming & Maintenance
This plant grows relatively slowly, so it doesn’t require much grooming. As the flowers begin to dry and wilt, it is essential to remove them to not let the plant rot. Pinch them off at the base, or carefully cut them with plant grooming shears.
Additionally, you can mist your plant to help maintain an ideal level of humidity, as well as keep it free of dust and spider mites. If dust builds upon the leaves and misting does not clear it, gently wipe the leaves down with a damp cloth.
How To Propagate Peperomia Raindrop
Peperomia Raindrop propagates well with either water or soil propagation methods. With water propagation, ensure the stem cutting includes multiple leaves, and at least one node is submerged in water. Change the water every couple of days to prevent any rot or mildew buildup.
If you choose to soil-propagate our Raindrop plant, you can either use a stem cutting or a single leaf. Dip your cutting into rooting hormone and insert it into a pot of soil.
Similarly, you can cut a single leaf in half horizontally and dip the cut edge in rooting hormone. Insert the cut edges into moist soil.
Related: Tips On Peperomia Propagation
Be sure to keep the soil moist and keep the pot in a warm, humid environment during rooting. Putting a plastic bag over your cutting is a great way to maintain an even humidity level while it propagates.
Once you see new sprouts emerging from the soil, that means the roots have formed, and the bag can be removed.
Peperomia Raindrop Pests & Diseases
The two major issues the Peperomia Raindrop faces are red spider mite and mealybug infestations.
It is easy to tell if pests attack your plant because these little creatures will leave small yellow spots on the plant where they suck the sap out. As they continue to feed on the plant, the leaves will begin to dry and fall off.
More On: Controlling Peperomia Pests
Additionally, you will be able to see small spider webbing around the stems and cottony masses on the leaves and leaf axils when mealybugs are present.
Control both pests with Neem oil sprays or by regularly cleaning the leaves and misting the plants.
Overwatering can lead waterlogged soil and eventually root rot.