Pothos plants are incredibly easy house plants to grow and maintain.
These indoor plants with trailing vines and heart-shaped leaves belong to the Araceae family.
The scientific name of the plant is Epipremnum Aureum, and are also known by various common names, including Devil’s Ivy and Golden Pothos.
In most of the plants, older yellowing leaves are a common sight as the plants shed their aged leaves to make room for new growth.
However, the Pothos plant is highly tolerant to even poor soil conditions and also survive when placed in a dark corner, which is why it is an alarming sign to witness Pothos leaves turning yellow.
If the new leaves start yellowing and you notice brown tips on older leaves, then immediate treatment is required.
What Are The Causes of Pothos Leaves Yellowing?
The yellow leaves on Pothos may be caused due to several reasons, including:
Over-Exposure to Sunlight
All houseplants require indirect or direct sunlight to grow optimally.
Pothos plants don’t like exposure to direct sunlight.
Too much direct sunlight causes burning and yellowing of leaves.
Whether you are growing this plant indoors or outdoors, it is best to place it under lower light or indirect light.
Avoid positioning it on or near the window where it is continuously under the sunlight.
Fluctuation in Temperature
These plants prefer to grow in moderate temperatures.
Constant changes in the temperature will eventually damage the plant and result in yellow leaves.
Harsh cold temperature results in yellow leaves, and so does heat.
Spider Mites
The Pothos leaves might turn yellow due to spider mites infestation.
These microscopic pests set up home on the undersides of the leaves and feed on the plant.
It is essential to get rid of these pets to restore the health of your plant.
Mealybugs and scale may also cause yellowing of leaves.
Lack of Nutrition – Insufficient Fertilizer
Since the Pothos plant tolerates all rough conditions and requires minimal maintenance it is easy to neglect its basic needs. A nitrogen deficiency results in yellow leaves.
The pothos plant needs a dose of liquid fertilizer once a month, especially if it is not getting enough nutrients through the potting soil.
Insufficient feed is another cause of yellowing leaves.
Even though it doesn’t have any particular nutrients requirement, it still requires essential nutrients.
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Overwatering this plant results in root rot fungal disease and yellowing leaves.
Too much water, low light and poor drainage mean the soil stays wet for a prolonged time.
NOTE: Using distilled water is preferred over tap water with its extra chemicals.
When this happens, root rot starts. When the roots are damaged, the stem and leaves don’t get the required nutrients to grow.
Eventually, a nutrient deficiency causes the leaves to start turning yellow.
Keep in mind under-watering the plant may result in the same outcome.
It is essential to find the right balance.
Recommended Pothos Reading:
How to Control the Yellow Leaves?
The Pothos plant care is minimal, but these plants still need primary care for healthy growth.
You must take immediate action when you notice yellowing leaves.
Once you determine the underlying cause of yellow levels, the right solution should be implemented to control the problem.
Sunlight Exposure
If your Pothos is placed in direct sun or near a south-facing window with too much light and your pothos leaves are turning yellow, move the pot immediately to a shadier spot.
If growing indoors, place a sheer curtain on the window, so the plant gets filtered light.
Moreover, it is ideal to protect the plant from cold drafts during the winter season.
Temperature Changes
If you have left the plant outdoors in cold weather, transfer it inside in a warm spot.
Make sure to cut off the yellow leaves to make room for new pothos leaves.
If the plant is already indoors, check the air vents and make sure the plant isn’t getting direct air.
Pests Infestation
Run lukewarm water on the leaves to get rid of spider mites and other pests.
Once you have gotten rid of all the pests, apply insecticidal soap to prevent the infestation.
Use the soap weekly, mixed with water.
Fertilize The Plant
Feed the plant every month by adding a water-soluble fertilizer to the potting soil.
Don’t forget to add a good quality fertilizer when you are repotting the plant or when growing a new plant.
Watering Needs
- Make sure the soil dries out completely between watering.
- Check if the plant needs water by pushing your finger in the potting medium.
- If it is wet, avoid watering.
- Otherwise, water thoroughly.
- Afterward, remove the excess water from the saucer.
- The bottom of the pot must have adequate drainage holes.
- If the yellow leaves persist, check the roots for rot.
- Prune the plant thoroughly if the roots are turning brown.
- Repot the healthy roots in fresh potting soil. Use a well draining soil.
- Avoid misting the leaves as root fungi love a moist environment.
- Remember to use sterile scissors to cut off the yellow leaves and rotten roots and disinfect them after use to avoid spread.
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