This was a very fun, rewarding, and interesting project.
A local Ironworkers Union needed a new union hall to replace their aging 1950s building. I tried to salvage and reincorporate as many sentimental elements of the existing building as I could, most notably the custom terrazzo logo of the national Ironworkers Union (since updated, and represented in the floor at the main entrance, and old building signage on the exterior above the entrance for the union members.
This was to be a building built by the Ironworkers, for the Ironworkers, and many aspects of this hall was designed to use as many Ironworker trades as possible, including tilt up panels, structural curtain wall, exposed AESS steel structure, insulated metal panels, fully custom light fixtures and furniture, and a grand ornamental stair to highlight the beauty and skill that the Ironworkers trade can contribute to the overall design of a building.