As I hinted about on Friday when I showed you my new living room sofa, I’m looking at some upcoming entryway changes. When the new sofa arrived last Thursday, the first thing I noticed is that I absolutely LOVE the shape of the new sofa. The second thing I noticed is that the new gray color is cooler than the old one, and the new one has blue undertones. I love it because it lends a brightness to the room, where there was nothing bright about the prior sofa. But every time I look at the at the sofa from the kitchen (which I do many times throughout the day ? ), I’m so distracted by the console table sitting right behind it. Specifically, I’m distracted by the drawers.
I know a few of you said that you can’t see what I’m seeing, and maybe that’s just a difference between color settings on computer monitors. All I know is that when I see it in person, it makes me cringe. I just can’t stand seeing that cool gray sofa with the blue undertones in the same line of sight with the teal drawer fronts.
A few people said that they’ve had experience painting grasscloth, so I figured I’d give that a try. After considering the color options and looking over the paints that I had on hand, I decided to try the color that I have on my front door, which is called Bird of Paradise by Benjamin Moore.
I realized almost immediately that I do NOT like painted grasscloth. The beauty of grasscloth is not only the texture, but the variations of the colors throughout. Those color variations can be very subtle on some types of grasscloth, but they’re still there. And it becomes even more obvious that they’re there when you paint that grasscloth all one solid color and completely lose those subtle color variations.
So the painted grasscloth drawer fronts aren’t going to be an option for me. And I realized almost immediately that I chose the wrong color, anyway. I’m not even sure what color this area needs, but it’s most certainly not Bird of Paradise.
And the more I look at this area that now sits behind my new sofa with the straight, clean lines and the beautiful velvet fabric, the more I wonder if I shouldn’t just go ahead and paint the entire console table. I built the console table four years ago (you can find that project right here), and while I don’t dislike the current finish in general, it doesn’t seem quite right for this room anymore. And it’s kind of strange that I did this finish in the first place because “rustic” really isn’t me. But at the time, I was specifically wanting a finish that would go with the grasscloth drawer fronts. Now that those won’t be an issue anymore (I’ll be removing the grasscloth completely), there’s no limit to the options.
If I could choose any color I wanted, without any consideration for what else is in the room or in neighboring rooms, I’d choose a color from that top pinkish red bird, especially the darker area like its neck and head. I love that bird, and I love that color, which is considerably darker than the Bird of Paradise that I tried on that one drawer.
I don’t know if you can envision it. I think a color like that would bring some beautiful vibrancy and life to that otherwise dark area of the room.
The thing that keeps me from jumping in and doing it is that sitting in the room right next door sits this settee…
The photo below is an older photo (from earlier this year) with the previous living room sofa, but you can see the position of the console table (there’s the corner of it on the far left side of the picture) in relation to the music room settee.
So I don’t think the color of that bird would work since it’s so close to the settee color, and I’m pretty sure that would be an overload of that color in this area.
So I’m not sure what color would work. I’ve also considered green since I do have touches of green throughout the room. But if I do go with green, it will be a darker, richer green rather than something bright. I’d probably go with a green from the floral pillows in the purple chairs. That’s more of a dark, leafy green.
So I’m not sure right now, but I’m about 95% sure that I want to paint the whole console table rather than just altering the drawers. It’s been four years, so I think a refresh on that piece of furniture would be great! And now that I have my new sofa, I’d love to get it done. I just need to find the perfect color.
Addicted 2 Decorating is where I share my DIY and decorating journey as I remodel and decorate the 1948 fixer upper that my husband, Matt, and I bought in 2013. Matt has M.S. and is unable to do physical work, so I do the majority of the work on the house by myself. You can learn more about me here.
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