I have very exciting news! The countertops in the bathroom will be installed on MONDAY! I am so excited. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. I mean, this bathroom project has been going on for so long now (a fact for which I make no apologies considering that Matt and I finally have a life outside of our house now after over a decade, and we are both enjoying it to the fullest), but the installation of the countertops will really feel like this project is officially winding down.
So I went back to the last “to do” list that I made for this bathroom to see just how far I’ve come, and exactly what still needs to be done. I originally made the list in April, and then I reevaluated the list in July and checked off several things that I had gotten done by then. And here’s the state of the list now…
- Finish the crown molding and trim around the mural wall — sand, caulk, prime, and paint (Done!)
- Install the last row of tiles around the ceiling in the shower (Done!)
- Install the door between the bathroom and home gym (Done!)
- Trim out that door (Done!)
- Build two vanities (Done!)
- Build the “dresser” between the vanities (Done!)
- Make the “chandelier” and install above the bathtub (Done!)
- Build the cabinet for the toilet area (Done!)
- Paint the walls and ceiling in the toilet area (Done!)
- Install baseboards in the toilet area — caulk, prime and paint (Done!)
- Have the bathtub, tub faucet, and toilet installed (Done!)
- Hang shower curtain in the shower (Done!)
- Order countertops for vanities (Done!)
- Have the sinks installed (Will be done on Monday)
- Finish the plumbing on the sinks (Hopefully will be done on Monday)
- Install the wainscoting on the lower walls (In progress!)
- Finish all of the rest of the trim (doors, window, wainscoting) — wood fill, sand, caulk, prime, and paint
- Hang the other vanity mirror
- Decide on privacy (window treatments? glass film?) for the window and doors (Done!)
Here’s what everything looks like going into this weekend, and as I count down this final few days of working on this bathroom project.
The shower has been mostly done for a while now. It’s totally functional as it is, but I still need to hem the shower curtains so that they’re not puddling on the floor.

And everything needs to be cleaned, obviously. The floor isn’t that brown. That’s just dust. ? There’s a coating of dust on everything in this room, so everything needs to be cleaned.
In the main area, I’m really down to wainscoting (which will include a tile accent) and trim. And once I finally get the door painted and get that plastic off of the glass panes, I’ll be adding privacy film to the glass on both doors in the room.

Then there are the smaller details, like installing sconce shades, hanging the other mirror, installing switch plates and outlet covers, etc.

The drawers on the storage cabinet still need a second sanding and a second coat of Rubio Monocoat. The sides of the cabinet and the vanities have already been done.
The toilet area is finished. It just needs to be cleaned really well since it also has a coating of dust on everything.

And I need to get the vent cover on the A/C vent in the ceiling.

On the other side, I don’t have quite as much done on the wainscoting, but at least there’s a bit of progress.

And while you can’t see it, I need to change the trim at the floor behind the bathtub. I had originally used a regular shoe molding, but when I was working on the water closet, I decided that shoe molding wasn’t going to cut it, so I upgraded to a much nicer trim to go along the floor. I still haven’t changed it behind the tub. That will require uninstalling the faucet and moving the bathtub out of the way, which is precisely why I’ve been putting that off. ?

So other than the wainscoting and the second coat of Rubio Monocoat on the storage cabinet, the rest is just a bunch of small, annoying projects that seem like they should be very quick and easy to finish, and yet they take up so much time and make the end of a room remodel drag on for what seems like forever.
But, oh my goodness, Monday will be an exciting day! Countertops, then sinks, then plumbing, and then all of the plumbing in this room will actually be functional. It’ll feel like a real, actual bathroom! ?

Addicted 2 Decorating is where I share my DIY and decorating journey as I remodel and decorate the 1948 fixer upper that my husband, Matt, and I bought in 2013. Matt has M.S. and is unable to do physical work, so I do the majority of the work on the house by myself. You can learn more about me here.
I hope you’ll join me on my DIY and decorating journey! If you want to follow my projects and progress, you can subscribe below and have each new post delivered to your email inbox. That way you’ll never miss a thing!
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