I promise y’all that I really am making progress in our home gym. I’ve spent hours painting trim in there, and I have many hours to go before it’s all finished. But it’s looking so good! If you’ll remember, just a few days ago, the trim looked like it had chicken pox, with dots of wood filler all over it. And now, it’s looking very clean and bright with its fresh coat of paint.

It’s not all painted yet, but it’s getting there! This one average-sized room seems to have endless trim — ceiling trim, baseboards, two doors, one large closet area, three windows. It’s been a very long process installing all of that trim, wood filling, sanding, caulking, and now painting it.
But I love how that bright white is looking against all of the colors on the walls.

For about 30 minutes, I considered painting all of the trim in this room black. I thought it might be more of a “home gym” vibe. But in the end, I had to stick with my favorite Behr Polar Bear white trim. I have just a little more trim to paint, and then I can get started on the wall paint touchups. Once that’s done, I can move on to the fun stuff — the foam flooring and curtains. And I’m really anxious to at least get that corner in the room finished in the picture above so that I can move my rebounder into the room (that’s the corner where it will live) and start using it regularly, even while I’m still working on the rest of the room.
Yesterday, the light from Target arrived, and even without seeing the other one from Amazon, I’m about 95% sure that this is the one I’m going to use.

I haven’t installed it yet. I need to get all of the painting done first, and then I’ll tackle the light. Right now, there’s not even a junction box in the ceiling, so I need to add one of those before I can even install the light.
But I really love this light! I didn’t even read the description on the website (except for the dimensions), so I didn’t notice that the shade on the light is metal. I was so pleasantly surprised when I opened that box and felt the shade. It’s metal! And why is that a good thing? Since the fixture is black, it will show dust more than a lighter color fixture. And a metal shade is way easier to clean that a black fabric shade!
I also love that the diffuser is plastic, and it has a shiny side and a matte side. I prefer the matte side showing.

I always get so nervous when I have to remove glass shades and diffusers to clean fixtures or change bulbs because I’m so afraid that I’ll drop them and break them. So this one with a plastic diffuser seems perfect for a home gym (or just about anywhere else) to me.
Also, the chests of drawers that I ordered for the closet area is supposed to be here today — a week early! Very impressive, Walmart So I need to get the closet floor in so that I can get the foam floor in place in the whole room. I’m getting so excited to get this room done!
It has been a challenge, though. This week, we had some really cold weather set in, along with ice, sleet, freezing rain, etc. Schools are closed. Some businesses are closed. We Texans don’t like icy weather. ?
I was pretty excited about it because that also meant that all of my usual weekly plans got cancelled this week, which meant more time working on the home gym! I had such lofty goals to blaze right through these projects and get them done.
And then our heater went on the fritz. At random times, it literally starts blowing cold air like the air conditioner is on. When it starts doing that, it gets pretty darn cold in the house, and I have to stop working so that I can crawl in bed under the covers and warm up. It’s been pretty distracting, but I’m still managing to get stuff done. The pace is just slower than I had hoped.
We’ve already had the HVAC guy out once, and he told us that it’s doing that because we have a heat pump, and when the temperatures drop as cold as they are now, we need to switch over to our emergency heat system (which evidently is standard on heat pumps). But we’ve had this HVAC system for eight years now, and in those eight years, we’ve had way colder and more severe weather than we’re having right now. Not one single time have I ever had to switch over to the emergency heat system.
But that’s what he told me. He showed me how to do it, charged me $75 for the visit, and left. And then after about an hour-and-a-half of the emergency heating system being on, it started blowing cold air as well, and the temp in the house dropped from 67 to 61 in a matter of about 30 minutes because it was blowing cold air into the whole house while it was in the 20s (with a wind chill in the teens) outside.
So now they have to come back, and they’re scheduled to be here some time in the next three hours. It’s been a very frustrating situation, especially when I knew something wasn’t right, but he insisted that everything was just fine…and charged me $75 to tell me that.
Anyway, all that to say that while I had hoped that these “ice days” would be very productive, they haven’t quite gone as I had planned. But I’m still making progress, and I hope that by the end of the day today, I’ll have all of the trim painted in the home gym and a working heating system in our house. That’s the dream, at least! ?

Addicted 2 Decorating is where I share my DIY and decorating journey as I remodel and decorate the 1948 fixer upper that my husband, Matt, and I bought in 2013. Matt has M.S. and is unable to do physical work, so I do the majority of the work on the house by myself. You can learn more about me here.
I hope you’ll join me on my DIY and decorating journey! If you want to follow my projects and progress, you can subscribe below and have each new post delivered to your email inbox. That way you’ll never miss a thing!