I have been living in NYC for about two years and started my architecture career after college (and the pandemic) working with a small retail and residential oriented firm in midtown. I quit about three weeks ago (bad management and very understaffed) and am looking for new firms to work at.
I've been blitzing out applications to places that have AD and Junior AD positions open but with the breadth of firms available I am a little overwhelmed with where to focus my attention and and how to organize my portfolio for firms.
I am looking for some advice regarding the NYC architecture job hunt from anyone who has insight and more experience.
For additional context, below is a link to my portfolio – if anyone has a moment to glace over it and throw out some suggestions, I would be greatly appreciative.
Link: https://issuu.com/matt.m.carr/docs/matthew_carr-portfolio-single_spread-02.24.23
submitted by /u/OaKara
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