I guess it’s because Mother’s Day falls during the school year and Father’s Day does not (in America, anyway) that there seem to be so many more crafts and activities for Mother’s Day than there are for Father’s Day. Of course these same ideas could be done for dads, and every parent enjoys a craft made with handprints or fingerprints to one day show how much their kiddo has grown.
These are also great ideas for grandparents if you include them in your Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations, or to save for Grandparents’ Day.
A classic in this genre is the handprint bouquet of flowers (I have one my kid made in preschool!). Get the details and a printable for the vase from A Little Pinch of Perfect. Or you can just have kiddos paint the stem of the flower and use handprints for the flower itself, like on this one from Coupons are Great.
This flower vase from Lovebugs and Postcards uses cutout hand shapes and the kids or their teacher can write a reason they love their mom on the hand. This one is shown as being for grandma but again it could be used for any adult.
You can also use handprints to decorate a tote bag (because moms always need more bags, right?). This is another spin on the handprint flower you can find at Nifty Mom.
Fingerprint flowers are even easier to make, and this cute version from Hopping from K to 2 is easy for kids to make and super sweet.
And while this one doesn’t exactly preserve the size of the hand since it’s a Shrinky Dink, it’s still super cute and a fun way to make a remembrance for everyone in the family. Just cut out handprints (with or without flower stems) and punch a hole to make it into a keychain. Get all the details from Easy Peasy and Fun.