PORTULACA (Rosemoss) (Sunplant) (Seven-sisters)
When one visits an old lady’s flower garden, no matter how small it may be, Portulacas are generally seen encroaching on the wide walks and in other little out-of-the-way places where the dry conditions would support few other plants. The dazzling, glossy-petaled flowers are clear yellow, white, scarlet, crimson, orange, and rose. The double sorts are most charming, and in many ways are superior to the singles. The plants are of a creeping habit, the leaves being moss like and almost hidden by the flowers. The seeds, which resemble iron filings, have a metallic luster and are produced in a small, boxlike capsule; when ripe the lid falls off and reveals them.
Where to Plant. About each home, there are spots so dry that nothing seems to grow in them. It is in such dry, sun-beaten situations that Portulaca thrives to the best advantage. It is, therefore, a good ground cover for beds, for edgings and for rock work. When planted in urns and other receptacles which are apt to be neglected in the Summer, these flowers seem to go right on blooming in spite of our inattention.
GENERAL. Portulacas generally self-sow, and once planted persist from year to year. Seeds may be sown at the end of April and the seedlings thinned to stand 4 inches apart. The seed should be merely raked into the soil and not deeply covered. If given water and a little attention at the start the plants will thrive nicely.
Only a small proportion of the double sorts come true to seed in double form. These sorts also set seed but sparsely.
Information on 50+ annual flowers