I have to admit that letting commenters choose the door color for the back entry of my studio was a very fun social experiment for me. Tallying the votes took a while, but my mom and I sat in Rosa’s Cafe yesterday afternoon and tallied the votes that had come in to that point.
It was so fascinating to see that there were three very clear crowd favorites. They were the eggplant, dark green, and the wall color.

Those three pretty much stayed neck and neck the whole time. And while I didn’t do a separate count for this, it seemed to me like most people who voted for the wall color also suggested that I paint the trim around the doors the wall color as well so that those doors would pretty much disappear, leaving the French doors and the colorful floral curtains as the focal point of the back entry. So it would look more like this…

To be quite honest, I don’t know that I could have done that for two reasons. First, painting trim, walls, and doors all the same color is a look that I always love seeing in photos and in other people’s homes, but I don’t like it in my own home. I think I tried it once (although now, I can’t remember where I tried it, but I feel certain that I did try it somewhere), and I just couldn’t get on board with it.
But the second reason is that every time I’ve seen that done, all of the walls, trim, and doors in a room are painted the same color. So if the trim around the two doors is painted the wall color, then the baseboards would also need to be painted the wall color, as would the trim around the French doors, and also the trim around the cased opening. All of it would need to be green.
Otherwise, I’m left with awkward stops and starts where visually the white baseboards would seem to randomly end and then start again. White baseboards only make sense if the door trim is also white. And green door trim only makes sense if the baseboards and the rest of the trim is green. So since I want my French door trim to be white, I just think all of the trim needs to be white.
Anyway, back to the vote. What really fascinated me was that when I wrote my post yesterday morning with all six door color options (which you can see here if you missed it), I really, genuinely thought that I didn’t have a preference. I thought that I would be happy with any of the six colors, and I was fully prepared to go today and purchase whichever color was the crowd favorite.
But as the voting and the tallying went on, I realized that I actually did have a favorite. For a while, the light green (wall color) was pulling ahead, and it seemed like it might end up being the winner…and I found myself being disappointed. What I found was that I was cheering on two specific colors — the eggplant and the dark green.

So I guess if you have a decision to make, and you genuinely think you don’t have a preference, give the decision making over to someone else. You may realize that you actually do have a preference!
In the end, the color that I realized was my favorite ended up being the crowd favorite as well. I’ll tell you the winner, but first, just a few points about the vote tally. In total, I counted 686 votes, including the blog comments as well as the comments on my A2D Facebook posts. Each person only got one vote, so if you listed more than one color, I only counted your first choice. If you said something like “Behr Cracked Pepper” (which wasn’t specifically an option), the vote went to the closest option. So in that specific example, the vote went to the dark charcoal gray. And finally, I cut the votes off at 9:30am this morning. There had to be an ending point. I can’t count votes indefinitely because at some point, I actually have to buy the paint and get the job done. ?
So out of 686 votes, the clear winner, with 207 votes, is the dark eggplant (like Behr Black Sapphire).

YAY!!! It didn’t take me long to realize that eggplant was my favorite, and I was cheering it on the whole way. When it would fall behind, I’d get worried. ? When it would pull ahead, I’d get excited.
The poor pinks didn’t do well at all. The cabinet color managed to get 58 votes, but the sad little light pink only got a total of 16 votes.

I don’t know why, but of the two pinks, I expected the light pink to get more votes. Although, my mom seemed to think I was a little bit crazy for even considering the light pink at all. ? I liked it, though! And I do think that in the whole scheme of things, seeing the whole room together, light pink doors would have been nice.
But I’m glad that the eggplant color won. I’m off to buy some eggplant-colored paint today, and I’ll see just how much progress I can make on getting these doors painted so that I can finally free my mind of this project and move on to something fun, like installing the wallpaper in the bathroom. That’s what I’d really like to be doing today! But I’m saving that as a reward for myself for finishing a job that I really don’t want to do. Sometimes that’s the only way I can motivate myself to get through the projects that I’m not looking forward to.

Addicted 2 Decorating is where I share my DIY and decorating journey as I remodel and decorate the 1948 fixer upper that my husband, Matt, and I bought in 2013. Matt has M.S. and is unable to do physical work, so I do the majority of the work on the house by myself. You can learn more about me here.
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