
Origin doubtful, possibly named after St Veronica (Scrophulariaceae). Speedwell. A genus of some 300 species ‘ of hardy perennials, annuals and sub-shrubs, mainly from northern temperate regions. Those described are hardy perennials, their flowers often borne in spikes. Dwarf kinds are suitable for the rock garden.
Species Grown Today
- Veronica agrestis, procumbent speedwell, prostrate, flowers pink, annual weed, Europe including Britain.
- Veronica chamaedrys, germander speedwell, 1-1.5 feet, bright blue, May onwards, Europe including Britain.
- Veronica cinerea, 6 inches, leaves grey, flowers pale blue, early summer.
- Veronica exaltata, 5 feet, mauve in tall spikes, late summer.
- Veronica. fruticans (syn. V. saxatilis), rock speedwell, 3 inches, sub-shrub, deep blue with red eye, late summer.
- Veronica geritianoides, 2 feet, pale blue in slender spikes, May—June; vars. nana, 1 foot; variegata, leaves variegated,, flowers deeper blue.
- Veronica x guthrieana, 3 inches, flowers large, blue, hybrid.
- Veronica hederifolia, ivy-leaved speedwell, similar to V. agrestis, Europe including Britain.
- Veronica. incana, 1-2 feet, leaves grey, flowers dark blue, summer; var. rosea, pink
- Veronica longifolia, 2-4 feet, lilac-blue, late summer; var. subsessilis, royal blue.
- Veronica pectinata, 3 inches, mat-forming, leaves grey, flowers deep blue with white eye, May; var. rosea, pink.
- Veronica prostrate, 6 inches, creeping, blue, summer; vars, ‘Mrs Holt’, pink; rosea, rosy-pink; ‘Shirley Blue‘, deep blue; Trehane’, leaves golden, flowers light blue.
- Veronica spicata, 2 feet, bright blue, late summer; vars. alba, white; many varieties in blue, purple, and pink.
- Veronica scutellata, marsh speedwell, creeping, flowers pale blue, pink or white, Europe, North America.
- Veronica teucrium, 1-2 feet, lavender-blue, late summer; vars. ‘Blue Fountain’, 2 feet, intense blue; ‘Royal Blue’, 11 feet.
- Veronica virginica, 4-5 feet, light blue, late summer; var. alba, white.
- Veronica whitleyi, 3-4 inches, tufted, blue with white eye, June to August.
Where to plant and how to propagate
Veronicas grow in ordinary soil and a sunny position. They are propagated by division in August or in spring or by seed sown in the open in spring in light soil and part shade.
How to Grow Veronica

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