The work on our new bedroom will be finished today, and then it’ll be up to me to finish it. I started out feeling like us moving our bedroom into this room was a huge compromise, like I was having to settle for a subpar situation. But I can genuinely say that as of today, I’m so incredibly excited about this room being our bedroom. Now that the closet walls have come down, and the room has a floor again (or a subfloor, to be accurate), this room feels HUGE compared to the room we’ve been in for the last four years. So let me show you the progress.
Here’s what the entry into the room looked like before, with the long wall to the left blocking most of the view of the room from the door.

I should have taken this from the exact same angle, but you can tell from the stripes that the wall is now about half the original length. If you locate the darkest pink stripe in the middle of the wall in the photo above, you can see below that that stripe is where the wall ends now.

UPDATE: Here’s a picture from the same angle.

Here’s a side-by-side comparison so that you can see the difference.

And looking the other direction towards the door to the room, here’s what it looked like before with the closet area still intact.

And here’s what it looks like now. For now, we have to keep the attic entrance in this room. Once I begin work on the other room, I’ll move it into there and close this one up. I don’t want the attic entrance in our bedroom. Also the two lights in that former closet area are being removed, and the holes will be patched.

And here’s another view of the closet area before…

And here it is now. Removing those walls added just under 40 square feet of space to the main area of the bedroom. That might not sound like much, but when you’re trying to maneuver a 6’2′ 215-pound man around in a wheelchair or Hoyer lift, that extra space makes a huge difference!

Of course, the difference will be more apparent when that area isn’t separated by such a stark difference in color. With it painted black, that visual separation doesn’t quite give the full impression of being part of the main area of the room.

The room really feels larger than I had expected. Obviously, I knew it would feel bigger once the closet walls were down. I just didn’t expect it to make that big of a difference.

But now, it feels like an appropriate size for a master bedroom. Don’t get me wrong. I would have loved to have it even bigger. But I’m very satisfied, and even incredibly excited, about this bedroom now. I can’t wait to get in here and start working on it!

I do plan to have the breaker box moved. As of now, my plan is to just have it flipped around so that instead of facing the bedroom, it will face the room behind it (i.e., our current bedroom).

I need to give that a little more thought, though. Actually, I need to solidify my plan for that room, and then decide how the breaker box can work into the plan. Until I have a definite plan, the breaker box has to stay right where it is, and I’ll have to work around it. That’s fine, though. I’m still a couple of weeks away from even being ready to start on this room. I’m still working away in my studio! And I won’t let myself start working on this room until the studio is finished. That gives me motivation to keep focused!

Addicted 2 Decorating is where I share my DIY and decorating journey as I remodel and decorate the 1948 fixer upper that my husband, Matt, and I bought in 2013. Matt has M.S. and is unable to do physical work, so I do the majority of the work on the house by myself. You can learn more about me here.