The Getty Research Institute is reissuing and updating its first online exhibition, The Legacy of Ancient Palmyra, with new etchings and photos of the ruined Syrian city, and a new interview with Waleed Khaled al-As’ad, former director...
Ellie Bouhadana’s family is from Haifa, an Israeli city on the skinny stretch of coast between Tel Aviv and Beirut. When she was growing up, there was always streams of family and friends filing into her household...
Christmas Decorations DECORATING IDEASFebruary 4, 2021 Located on Portobello Road in the heart of London’s Notting Hill, Hubert Zandberg Interiors were commissioned to create a functional home for a young family which required a complete renovation and...
Back in November, we shared a bit about the Obsidian Virtual Concept House, the first initiative of the The Black Artists + Designers Guild (BADG), a non-profit organization founded by Malene Barnett to counter the lack of...
The volcanic scoria cone of Maungawhau/Mount Eden is waahi tapu – a sacred place of immense historical, cultural and spiritual significance to the Mana Whenua iwi/hapū of Tāmaki Makaurau. Inhabited since 1200AD the iconic pā site (defensive settlement)...
Many Californians love riding these machines but don’t realize coverage is available or most of all, how low cost it really is. When most people think of the LA area, the last thing they think of is...
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