Having flowers in your home is not all about enjoying the blooming seasons. Flowers have some therapeutic benefits that can help keep you happy and stress-free. Ask gardeners, and they’ll all tell you that their happiest moments are when they see their flowers bloom.
But if you live in arid areas, growing some flowering plants can be a problem. But you’re still not short of options as flowering succulents will do you the justice. Yes, these plants are easy to care for, need less water, and perfectly adorn your garden.
Wondering what options you have? Here is an extensive list of flowering succulents you can add to your garden either indoors or outdoors.

Related: 108 Types Of Succulents With Pictures
1. Aloe Vera

You’ll not imagine the thorny aloe vera can produce beautiful flowers until you come across one. When exposed to direct sunlight, aloe vera can magically adorn your garden that you’ll never want to let go of it. Aloe vera can especially do well in zones nine to 11 since it doesn’t need too much water.
Apart from adorning your garden, aloe vera also makes a great medicinal plant. Its juice is a useful remedy for cuts and burns. It’s a perfect plant for beginner indoor gardeners.
2. Carrion Cactus (Orbea variegata, Starfish Cactus)

Carrion cactus produces flunky flowers that make it a darling to many gardeners. The plant is unique in its way because it only produces stems with no leaves. People love this plant for its flowers that smell like carrion hence the name. The scent is not only appealing to humans, but birds and flies also love it.
Carrion needs a lot of drainage soil if you choose to grow it indoors. Otherwise, it will thrive well in arid conditions. You have to ensure it receives bright but indirect sunlight.
3. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera)

If you want to keep your garden ever beautiful and vibrant, go for Christmas cactus. These are some of those succulents that will bloom several times in a single year to keep your garden looking lively. Christmas cactus is known to bloom from October to March.
It stays through Christmas so you can gift your loved ones with fresh flowers of white, red, or yellow shades. They provide natural décor that everyone needs during the holidays. They thrive well in sandy soil and love a bit of humidity.
4. Conophytum Calculus (Marble Buttons)

Conophytum cactus has that beautiful marble shape hence the name marble buttons. These plants command beauty right from their leaves. They have these chalky, smooth-textured leaves that fuse to form a spherical doom.
Marble buttons are known to bloom in autumn. During this season, they come up with a clove-scented flower that will fill your home with a fantastic aroma. The flowers have dark orange nocturnal flowers that are sure to charm you.
5. Crassula ‘Springtime’

Adorn your garden with crassula springtime, and like the name, it will keep your late winter and early spring adorable. This is a little plant that produces delicate flowers that are more powerful than they look. Their sweet-scented flowers not only attract humans but have grown to become a darling to bees and butterflies as well.
6. Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia Milii)

If you come across the name crown of thorns, you’ll think this cactus is all about thorns. Wait until you see the beautiful red flowers it blooms into, and you’ll immediately want it in your garden collection. As long as you plant it where sunlight doesn’t hit it directly, Crown of thorns will beautifully adorn your garden. It works well when used as a houseplant.
Another good thing about this succulent is that it requires very little maintenance. It will only need a little bit of watering and dry topsoil.
7. Desert Rose (Adenium obesum)

Roses are beautiful plants that everyone wants to have. If you live in a dry land, the desert rose will satisfy your desire to have a rose in your garden. One attractive thing about the desert rose is its fat trunk that works well for bonsai specimen display.
If grown in a cold climate, desert roses tend to produce flowers in spring and summer. If you’re lucky enough to get a warmer climate for the succulent, you’ll enjoy an all-year-round bloom. It produces red, pink, or white shades of beautiful flowers. You can also grow them in small containers as they only grow up to 10 feet tall.
Related: Types of desert plants
8. Donkey’s Tail (burro’s tail, Sedum morganianum)

Donkey’s Tail is one of the succulents that are pretty easy to grow. They produce gorgeous leaves that take the shape of a teardrop. This, plus their long trailing stems, makes them perfect for adorning the garden. They produce a cluster of tiny red flowers, which you’ll spot in their bulbous leaves.
If you plan to grow donkey tail, you should start by getting used to the fact that only mature ones bloom. This means you’ll have to wait for about four to six years to start seeing the flowers.
9. Dwarf Chin Cactus (Gymnocalycium baldianum)

Like the name, Dwarf chin cactus are small cactus with a little flat stem. They produce bristle radial stems and have broad ribs. The flowing succulents will beautify your garden with their flowers that come in a variety of colors. You’ll see them in orange, white, pink, or pinkish-purple flowers blooming in early summer.
10. Easter Cactus (Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri)

Easter cactus got its name because it blooms around Easter to provide perfect springtime décor. The plant is one of the easiest to grow succulents. As long as you adhere to its natural habitats, the Easter cactus is sure to serve you well. It’s different from other succulents because it doesn’t grow in desert-like conditions. It needs more watering and less light.
11. Echeveria ‘Afterglow’

Afterglow is the echeverias succulent varieties that will glow in your garden, just like the name. Their leaves resemble lavender plant shades. The leaves’ edges have a shape of beautiful pink.
The beauty doesn’t end in the leaves as it extends to the reddish flower blooms. If you happen to keep the plant in full sun, you’ll love the color shades it produces.
12. Echeveria ‘Black Knight’

Black Knight is another intriguing echeveria family that comes in the form of a deep black hue. If you plant this in your garden, you’ll start enjoying the beautiful blooms around late summer and fall. The beauty starts from their beautiful shaped black sepal. Inside the sepals, you’ll find red star-like flowers that are sure to brighten your mood.
13. Echeveria ‘Blue Prince’

If you want to see the beauty of this plant, consider growing it in the bright sun. Blue Prince’s beauty starts right from its leaves. They come coated in powdery farina. They feature a blue-green rosette that sometimes flushes pink with bright sunlight. The plant blooms several red to pink flowers that take a star shape.
14. Echeveria ‘Doris Taylor’ (Woolly Rose)

This is a hybrid echeveria variety that flourishes in beautiful silver-green leaves covered in little fuzz. The leaves give it a rather hairy appearance. If exposed to cold and heat, the leaves produce a reddish tinge.
Since it’s among the flowering succulents, you’ll want to know how it flowers. Doris Taylor produces very bright and attractive flowers served in yellow shades.
Related: Yellow flowers
15. Sempervivum arachnoideum ‘Emily’ (Emily Cobweb Houseleek)

This is a unique succulent found in the hen and chick family. It forms red and green leaves that also feature spider web-like cilia. It derives the name cobweb from its web substance covering it. Because of their appearance, Emily Cobweb Houseleek is the most sought after succulent by gardeners.
The beauty extends to its pink flowers that come in a star shape. This succulent is also an easy one to grow and is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. They’re naturally found in cold areas all year round.
16. Florist Kalanchoe (Conophytum calculus)

The evergreen succulent that’s very easy to care for. The plant comes in different sizes and flower colors that look gorgeous. It has beautiful green foliage perfectly adorned with the flower. Thanks to their attractive colors, Kalanchoe can work well as a houseplant. All you have to do is make sure you place it near the window to receive enough sunlight that facilitates its blossom.
However, you should not allow this plant to touch the water as this will interfere with its growth. Also, avoid growing it indoors if you have pets around as it can be unsafe for them.
17. Hedgehog Cactus (Echinocereus engelmannii)

If you see hedgehog cactus, you’ll mistake them for those cacti fake flowers at the top found in craft stores. The only difference is that hedgehogs are real. You’ll rarely consider this as one of the best succulent plants if you haven’t seen it in bloom. When summer knocks, you see the small plant bloom into beautiful pink flowers.
18. Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum tectorum)

Hens and Chicks is another unique succulent that comes with cobweb-like substances surrounding it. The exciting plant is known to produce lovely blooms that adorn your garden with beauty for weeks. Its flowers look like a shade of magenta pink.
To get the most out of this plant, you can grow it indoors. They also do well outdoors as long as you keep the temperatures cool or hot. They’re some of the succulent plants that are easy to care for and can do well as long as the climate allows it.
19. Ice plant (Delosperma)

You’ll easily recognize the ice plant with its thick leaves that layer each other in opposing pairs. The leaves are layered so well that they tend to look like a tower. Their daisy-like flowers form a vibrant yellow look that appears to grow on top of a tower.
If you have the ice plant in your garden, you’ll enjoy the beautiful flowers summer long and fall. Grow them in well-drained soil and ensure they receive enough sun.
20. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

Jade is a tropical succulent that blooms in star-shaped purple, pink, and white flowers. The plant grows in dry areas because of its drought-tolerant nature. It does not require watering, nor does it need sunlight to grow. Because of its easy care, the Jade plant is the most widespread succulent as many gardeners choose it.
You’ll love this plant for its blue-green foliage with tips that change in maroon or burgundy colors. This is an easy plant to grow, perfect for beginners. It’s rather tricky to grow indoors, but it’s possible.
21. Lifesaver Cactus (Huernia zebrina)

This beautiful plant comes adorned with zebra stripes and has a donut-shaped ring at the center. They’re a rather rare and unusual succulent that bloom in late summer. Their flowers take a burgundy and tan star shape. It also has a grape lifesaver stuck at the center.
The plant can do well if grown both indoors and outdoors. However, it will not tolerate frost or drafts. One great thing about this succulent is that it’s easy to share since its stem roots anywhere as long as it touches the soil.
22. Living Stone (Lithops Aizoaceae)

If you find this plant in a rocky medium, you can mistake it for stones. Their stony looks make them some of the weirdest plants you can ever come across. The good thing about these plants is that you can grow them in a tiny space, and they still thrive. As long as you can offer them some sunny windowsills, you’ll be good to go.
Livingstone is known to go dormant in summer and winter. They will not need any watering. When spring and fall knocks, you should remember your water can as this is when it will need some moisture. With the right conditions, living stone produces daily-like flowers, which you’ll see in spring.
23. Moon Cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii)

Moon cactus is another beautiful succulent that will adorn your home with beautiful yellow, pink, and orange flowers when it blooms. It comes in different sizes, colors, and shapes that will decorate your home with an endless diversity of cacti. The cactus grows in the form of a unique single stalked plant with a bright bulb in the head.
Gardeners love this cactus plant because it’s easy to care for and doesn’t require a lot of water. Giving it a lot of water can cause sogginess and saturation. One thing you should note about moon cactus is that it’s very short-lived.
24. Moonstone Plant (Pachyphytum oviferum)

Moonstone is a perfect plant for those who can’t keep their eyes from foliage. This is a rosette succulent with round leaves that look like little stones. The plant is a perfect décor item for spring, as this is when it will start pushing out its flower spikes. Their beautiful flowers come out from the thin stems. They make a beautiful combination of orange and white colors.
25. Night-Blooming Cereus

Like the name, you’ll rarely catch this plant bloom. Its flowers appear at night when you’re probably asleep. Well, if you love flowers, then you can sacrifice some days of your sleep to catch the spectacular display on the camera. Its abundant white flowers open up at night to bring some brightness in the dark.
26. Sedum sieboldii ‘October Daphne’

October Daphne is a perennial succulent that begins to attract right from its greenish-blue leaves. Its flowers form a cluster of bright-colored star shapes that goes all the way to the stems. The plant is perfect for both indoor and outdoor planting as long as you give it full sun. Make sure you water it more often if you plant it indoors.
27. Orchid Cactus (Disocactus ackermannii)

Orchid cactus does not bloom often, but when it does, you’ll love its beauty. The plant does not produce any flowers during the first two years of its growth. When it matures, you’ll mostly notice its blossoms at night, which is just a few times in a year. If you choose to grow it in your garden, you should fertilize it and ensure it gets enough light to get the desired results.
Orchid cactus looks best in hanging baskets. It will look lovely in your home with the stems sloping down from the basket and the showy flowers forming at the end.
28. Echeveria ‘Painted Lady’ (Echeveria derenbergii)

These succulents look delicate, but that’s where their beauty lies. The evergreen plant grows in a compact rosette of silvery blue and green leaves with red margins. Once its spring, the beautiful plants develop red, long stalks with yellow-pink flowers. The flowers have red tips.
If you love spring, the combination of green leaves and vibrant flowers will let you know in advance when the season nears. The combination of different colors is sure to adorn your garden just the way you like it.
29. Parodia Herteri

Parodia Herteri got its name from the great botanist Wilhelm Herter. You’ll recognize this plant with its single stem that takes the globe shape. It also produces brown spines that later become cylindrical as it ages. This succulent blooms in deep pink flowers that produce a yellow eye in summer. It’s very easy to grow and perfect for sunny windowsills.
30. Peanut Cactus (Echinopsis chamaecereus)

When it’s spring, expect to see some bright orange guests in your garden appearing from your peanut cactus. The cactus produces some thick fingers that take the shape of peanuts hence the name. The cactus has large reddish-orange flowers that form a star shape.
Peanut cactus grows best in hot areas with a little bit of shade. Their origin is from the mountainous regions. They tend to grow outwards with shallow roots.
31. Pincushion Cactus (Mammillaria spinosissima)

If grown under desirable conditions, it doesn’t take time before this stunning plant awards you with vibrant pink flowers. Watering and exposing it to direct sunlight works well. However, it can still tolerate drought and is relatively easy to care for. If you love indoor plants, the pincushion cactus is a perfect addition to your succulent collection.
32. Plush Plant (Echeveria Harmsii)

You’ll recognize the plush plant with its delicate white hairs. The hairs appear silvery when exposed to the sun. This beautiful garden succulent blooms in orange-yellow flowers that look like a sunset. They do well in containers or ground as long as you mimic their natural habitats. They prefer warmer months with completely dry soil.
33. Powder Puff Cactus (Mammillaria bocasana)

The powder puff is one of the abundant families of cacti. You’ll identify the family from their little flowers that come out in springtime like some beautiful crown. They’re easy to grow and transfer, and you’ll easily find one in your garden center. The plant will look stunning if you add it to your windowsill.
If you want it to thrive well, grow it in a plot with gritty soil and good drainage. Don’t water the plant the entire winter so you can simulate its natural habitat.
34. Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia)

Prickly pear cactus can be a blessing in your garden thanks to their beautiful flowers. Their beauty is not only in the stunning flowers but because they’re also edible. You need to carefully peel the cactus fruit and add its colorful fruits and leave pads to your dishes. Make sure you remove their pesky spines if you love your skin.
This cacti plant needs a perfect blend of low humidity, sunshine, and high temperatures to flourish. Avoid watering often as too much water can make them look like sponges.
35. Rock Purslane (Calandrinia grandiflora)

Rock purslane produces purple or pink flowers that almost resemble lavender. You’ll love the bloom time as it adorns your garden with its bright and vibrant flowers. Well, you’re not the only one who’ll love the flower as they also invite bees and other insects with their scents and beauty.
This is another succulent that needs little care and less watering. They do well in warm, dry places. Their sweet fragrant flowers grow right above the foliage.
36. Othonna capensis ‘Ruby Necklace’

Ruby Necklace is a fast-growing succulent that produces bean-like foliage in the stem. The succulent comes from the daisy family. It looks terrific when grown from a hanging basket.
The beautiful succulent will keep your garden looking beautiful all year long with its yellow flowers. It produces green colored leaves, but when exposed to sunlight, it takes a ruby red color. The plant needs plenty of watering to maintain its beauty.
37. Sedum (Stonecrop)

From the name, you can never imagine that stonecrops can be a colorful plant. However, it proves you wrong with its bright colors. The plant produces various colors, which come in blue, silver, green, and pink. Their colorful flowers will perfectly adorn your summer garden. They’re indeed perfect ornament plants.
Related: Blue flowers
38. String of Pearls (Curio rowleyanus)

This succulent plant is also named Senecio Rowleanus and is one of the beloved plants among gardeners. The lovely succulent looks stunning when grown in hanging baskets. Its long trailing stems and green pea-shaped leaves are the secrets to its beauty. The plant will warn you of the arrival of summer when it starts producing tiny white, fuzzy flowers that smell like cinnamon.
39. Graptopetalum ‘Superbum’

Superbum is well known for its easy care. It blooms in white or yellow star-shaped flowers that you’ll start seeing in late winter through spring. The plant looks stunning in your garden thanks to the blend of purple leaves and yellow hue it blooms into.
Superbum works well as a houseplant but also perfect outside as long as the temperature is warm enough. It requires watering in summer, but you can let the soil dry in winter to keep it healthy.
40. Tacitus Bellus (Graptopetalum bellus)

The bright colored star-shaped flowers are another type of succulent you should never miss in your garden. The beautiful plants produce rosettes that grow as big as four inches. The petals of these flowers appear in red stamens and dark pink colors. You’ll see its blooms towards the end of spring and early summer.
If you care for it well, the blooms can last for several weeks. It needs partial shade and retains its moisture, so not much watering.
So, you love some beautiful flowers in your garden without doing too much work? These flowering succulents are perfect additions to your home, thanks to their easy care. You can even choose different types with different bloom seasons, so you keep your garden looking colorful all year round. Don’t forget to share some pictures once they bloom so that we participate in the joy.
Happy gardening!